Sunday, December 5, 2010

What's the perfect christmas gift?

    So the holidays are here and it's that time of the year where we look for the perfect gift. Every year it's the same question. "What do you want for Christmas?" Now if I was back in high school or just younger I would say something like and iPod or a Xbox; I don't need any of that. From my own experience and observations you're better off getting the person you want a gift card or something you know they will use and appreciate.
    I remember when I was little I asked my mom for a Mighty Morphin Power Rangers toy and my sister asked for a tetherball poll and ball. When we opened our gifts Christmas ever, that's my family tradition, we went nuts.
    So my ideas for Christmas gifts this year are:

  1. Gift Card - You can never go wrong with a gift card. It is the simplest and fastest gift ever because you can walk in, get your gift card and leave. The beauty about them is that almost all stores have them and if the person wants a specific company, they now have e-gift cards which you can e-mail to your loved ones. Kick ass.
  2. Underwear/Bras - I am serious. We have to wear chonies everyday. Get your loved ones some comfy undies. 
  3. Cologne/Perfume - Usually during the holidays they sell gift sets that have the spray and two other goodies. In men's it's usually an antiperspirant and shaving balm. In women's it's the lotion and either a smaller version or something like a bath balm.
  4. Tops - I always seem to find amazing sales for some cute tops in stores like Gap, Old Navy, Macys, Torrid, Dillards, the list goes on and on.
  5. Accessories - Now this includes shoes, wallets and purses, and jewelry. Nothing screams christmas like a Coach wallet or some Steve Madden shoes.
    I honestly don't know what I want for Christmas this year. I kind of wanted to get myself some beauty items from Sephora, but I don't know yet. I am asking this year for a watch. I think a watch is the perfect accessory for a guy. I work in retail and I see a lot of things for females. They have cute necklaces, rings, earrings, and just STUFF. I know they make accessories for men like bracelets and stuff but I don't think I can pull it off. In my opinion, everyone can rock a watch. 

Now a watch like this would be nice. Something classy but can be worn as an everyday item. I would pair this watch with an black button down and some nice grey jeans. 

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Telephone Inspired

This is finally updated. It’s been too long.
Here are my inspiration photos (below )

Here is what I came up with:

Now I didn’t use the camera that I normally use because this was a “spur of the moment” look.
Products I used:
Urban Decay Primer Potion
NYX Jumbo Eyeshadow Pencil in Black Bean
Glamour Doll Eyes Shadow in Ahoy Sailor
NYX Matte Black Eyeshadow
Dior Eyeshadow (brows)
Stila Kajal Eyeliner in Pearl
Miss Adoro Lashes

Hope you enjoyed.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Love Game Inspired

So, I am a fan of Gaga’s many looks. My goal is to try and recreate a look from each of her music videos. (let’s see how that goes)
The inspiration for this makeup look came from these two screenshots from her Love Game music video.

And here is my take on it.

Hope you like,

Sunday, August 29, 2010

iColor: Purple

So I tweeted and facebooked “Tell me a color…Hurry!” The winner for that was PURPLE! Now I haven’t posted a blog right after a blog, but I am quite proud of this impromtu makeup look.
This eye makeup would look great with any eye color, but it compliments brown eyes the most.

Originally, I was going to use a frosty/shimmery purple, but I think that matte and
 satin finishes are more “daytime” appropriate. 
I hope you guys enjoy. 

Drag makeup

Here is a quick makeup look that was a spur of the moment look.
There isn’t much to say about the look other that it’s extremely fierce. I am going to list the products I used after the pictures.

Products I used:
NYX Jumbo Eyeshadow Pencil in Black Bean
Coastal Scents Mica Pigment in Blue Sparkle
UD Eyeshadow in Zero
NYX Matte Black
Sephora Liquid Eyeliner
NYX Eyeliner Pencil in Silver
Estee Lauder Mascara
Red Cherry Lashes #199
It’s amazing how a different pair of lashes can do to a look. I recommend to all my makeup friends to try lashes…they are fun.
Hope you enjoy,

Monday, August 9, 2010

Inspiration: Pin Up

This blog post is long overdue. I have been postponing this post because I have been busy and just haven’t had the time to do it. 
What I did on my friend was a ‘pin-up’ inspired look. I am not very educated on the ‘pin-up’ style, but to me it’s a simple eye with RED lips. Here are a few photos that I took of Sarah. Hope you all enjoy.

Model: Sarah
Makeup: Drugstore